• Have you been telemarketed recently?
  • Were you told that you would save money on your telco costs?
  • Then realised that the overseas or local caller had no idea how much you spend, how long your calls are, how many lines you have, how many offices you have, what proportion of your outbound calls go to mobile phones, regional areas, local calls or international...then tried to convince you that "one size fits all businesses" - And then only told you the "good bits" and then tried to get you to sign up on the phone without ever showing you call rates or charges in writing..

Not at PremTel..!!

PremTel Phone Costs Analysis Table      

               PremTel Phone Cost Chart2

PremTel Estimated Annual Savings 

  • We want to give you all the FACTS, in writing.
  • We want you to make an informed decision.
  • We want to ensure that you are delighted with your savings and then..

...We want you to tell your friends and business associates what a refreshing experience you had with PremTel ... the refreshing business communications company.

Contact Us 
